For the past 2 years, I have taken Christmas pictures in this obnoxious sweater. Though taken with different people, each one is with my favorite lady in life. I am still shocked at all that has transpired over the course of ONE YEAR!

In a previous post, I talked about "RSVPing for 1" for our squadron Christmas party. The party was last weekend and was a great time. The planners did a great job of remembering Sara. The photo slideshow of all the 435th FTS families was dedicated in Sara's memory. The final picture was of Sara holding Chloe on the day we brought her home from the hospital. I fought back the tears...

Sept 15, 2009
I owe a huge THANK YOU to the "435th Family" for all of their support during the past 3 months. I am forever grateful!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
You certainly do a wonderful job of dressing that sweet girl in adorable outfits! Daddy's got style :)
I agree with Erin, she is dressed in style. I continue to follow your family even though I don't personally know you. Your posts make me thankful for each and every day that I have with the ones I love. Thank you for "keeping it real". You inspire many to remember how blessed we all are :) Merry Christmas!
She sure did bring in the season with style, You are doing a great job Brady! Happy Holidays!
Your baby girl gets prettier each day! Merry Christmas to the both of you.
the pictures of chloe are adorable. i love that you dress her in those cute girly clothes.
i bet her mommy would be proud.
Chloe is just so sweet! Praying for you!
I think that Chloe is beginning to enjoy all of her "photo ops". She is so alert, with such big and bright eyes! I don't think that those eyes are missing much of what is going on around her. You remain in my prayers, God bless both of you. Susan
Wonderful of them to remember her during the party. We are a military family also and sometimes they tend to miss that personal touch on, well anything, lol. Beautiful pictures. I dont post often, but the military pics made me cry. I found your blog the first week I found out I was prengnant and read all the way back and bawled. I lurk on most posts but in the spirit of the season wanted to say Hello, Merry Christmas and God bless.
-Sassypants Wifey
I'm SO impressed with the way you always have her so pulled together! You're doing a great job keeping bows in her hair! She is just adorable!
Great pictures! Chloe is a doll! I adore the picture of Chloe in the stocking. She truly is the best gift ever for you. I know she lights up your life even during this dark time. Oh, I love the little knit hat. You've got Chloe stylin' and profilin'! :-)
Praying God's continued blessings in your life.
Cool sleigh!
I can't believe Chloe is already 3 months old. I hope you're holding up OK. I know this will be a tough Christmas for you.
Beautiful pictures! Chloe is a doll!
Merry Christmas to the both of you!
We love you Brady and Chloe. Love the sweater!
AHHH Brady you continue to amaze me. I can't say it enough. You are so strong, your faith, your life. It amazes me and brings me to me my knees in prayer for you, for chloe and for myself.
I truly hope that I can always remember your actions and your faithfullness as I go through my own life. You and Sara taught me so much about trust, faith, love and forgiviness. Thank you Thank you Thank you. I cannot wait to continue following your journey.
God Bless you hundreds over and over.
Adorable pictures! I continue to pray for you. What an amazing Daddy you are!!!!
Love all of the pictures...Chloe is adorable as always! Your posts continue to amaze are incredibly strong. Chloe is going to love having this blog as a journal to remember her mother.
Merry Christmas!
Chloe is getting so big and you dress her up so cute.
God Bless the both of you through the holiday season.
As always you and Chloe are in my thoughts and prayers
I just found your blog tonight and have stayed up almost all night engrossed in your love stories. The amazing love story with your gorgeous, stunning, courageous wife. The love story with her smile (I admit that I have fallen in love with that smile). Your love story with that sweet little angel Chloe. Every picture I see of Chloe just melts my heart. And perhaps the most touching love story is the one between you, Sara, Chloe, and Heavenly Father. Yours and Sara's testimony of Christ and his goodness and in realizing his blessings are truly miraculous. As I was reading your blog from the beginning, I found myself praying for a different ending even though I already knew what happened. I (a stranger) wanted so desperately to get to the newest post and see words that you and Sara had written together about your plans for the first Christmas with Chloe. I found myself (a stranger) angry with God for taking someone so full of life and so willing to praise him. Then...I would keep reading. The fact that you haven't railed against our Lord and have only sang his praises truly humbled me. I know that you would much rather have your wife than be an inspiration but I so admire your courage and faith and willingness to share. My sister passed away from cancer leaving her 13 month old baby boy to be cared for by her widowed husband. I realize that this is not the same but perhaps a little understanding of the mountain that lies before you. Unfortunately, there isn't another way around the mountain of grief. My most fervent prayer for you as you begin your climb is that you will find footholds where you need them most, strength to just stop and rest, hope and faith to resume the climb, and angels to lift and carry you as you stumble. I'm sorry for the long, rambling post. I knew that the spirit would continue to whisper in my ear until I took the opportunity to express my gratitude for allowing strangers to be inspired by you and Sara. My prayers are with you and your loved ones.
I too am super impressed with how stylish your little gal is :) Thanks for sharing your life with us. Chloe is absolutely beautiful, just like her mama. I cannot even imagine so much happening in one year's time... but my sincere and fervent prayer and hope for you and Chloe both is that it truly would be a merry Christmas.
How ADORABLE are those little outfits? SO CUTE! Love the headbands and hats. Love the Christmas stocking! Thank you for posting Brady, God is using your life story to reach people and change hearts!
I love Chole's outfits. You might just get Dad of the year. What a blessed little girl you have. What a blessed daddy you are. Love Santa's arrival.
A local Father lost his wife 2 days ago to cervical cancer, leaving behind a 6 year old little boy.. I directed them your way. You are such an inspiration. I love the stocking photograph of Miss Chloe. Merry Christmas Brady and Chloe.
I see the countless Christmas Trees around the world below,
with tiny lights, like heaven's stars, reflecting on the snow.
The sight is so spectacular, please wipe away that tear,
for I am spending Christmas with Jesus Christ this year.
I hear the many Christmas songs that people hold so dear,but
the sounds of music can't compare with the Christmas choir up here.
I have no words to tell you, the joy their voices bring,
for it is beyond description, to hear the angels sing.
I know how much you miss me. I see the pain inside your heart,
but I am not so far away. We really aren't apart. So be happy for me dear ones.
You know I hold you dear,
and be glad I'm spending Christmas, with Jesus Christ this year.
I send you each a special gift, from my heavenly home above.
I send you each a memory, of my undying love.
After all "Love" is the gift, more precious than pure gold.
It was always most import in the stories Jesus told.
Please love and keep each other, as my Father said to do,
for I can't count the blessing or love he has for each of you.
So, have a Merry Christmas and wipe away that tear.
Remember, I'm spending Christmas, with Jesus Christ this year.
~Copyright 1999 by Wanda Bencke~
The stocking picture ROCKS! And coming from an Air Force family growing up, and even being stationed at Randolph, I can honestly say you are right...RAFB is awesome! God be with you this season, Merry Chrirstmas!
Ms. Chloe is growing up fast. Thank you for sharing her and your lives with us. Hope you do have a Merry Christmas despite all.
Wow.. you do a great job of dressing Chloe in a mother would be proud style. I know this is a hard time for you but I know that God has put that comfort in your heart to get through it! Love love love the pictures! She is growing so fast!!! love hugs and prayers always from Houston(Dickinson really but no one knows where that is haha) Merry Christmas!!
Way to go daddy =) Bows are a girls best friend! You are doing such a GREAT job! Keep it up! She is looking more and more like her mommy!
Merry Christmas Brady and Chloe!
Precious pictures as always!! Thank you for your continued writings. Thou we have never met, your blog continues to touch my heart with every word. Chloe is a precious and Sara shine through her. Merry Christmas to you both!!
Love, The Bonham Family
I have been reading your blog for a couple of months...your daughter is adorable, its amazing how she has changed. You are a great Daddy!
You are such an illustration of faith and optimism! Your testimony touches my heart every step of the way, and I have shared it with so many family and friends, just because I feel amazed by you as well as proud of you. That probably sounds silly coming from a stranger.
The picture of your precious Chloe in the stocking brought a HUGE smile to my face, and I'm sure that one day I'll imitate that photo idea with a baby of my own!
I continue to pray for you and Chloe, as well as your and Sara's families. It's obvious that you have a wonderful support system... and together with your faith, that will get you through anything.
I hope you have a very Merry Christmas!
you are VERY welcome...I feel so blessed that you have invited me into yours and Chloe's lives to capture her first year on film. She's a precious gift and I agree, the BEST gift EVER!!
I am Melissa, Garrett's(her cousin) wife. My first time to get to meet Sara and yourself was when we drove to San Antonio. And through alot realized what a small world it was. My older sister new Angie and Josh, and Sara as well.
I get on periodically to just check in. And I am amazed at how every passing day, I see Sara in Chloe. She is a beautiful little girl. Although not ever getting the chance to "meet" Sara I know that she would be very proud of the job you are doing. Chloe will forever be grateful of the way you continue to remember her Mother, and help her to know her Mother. God Bless You
I am so glad you have a squadron family there that cares for you, Sara, and Chloe so much. I continue to pray for all of you every day.
Beautiful baby Chloe. I love the pic of her in the stocking and you dress her so cute! She is such a blessing, a true miracle! I know it's hard for you, but I (along with many others) are always praying for you! And Sara is looking over you and Chloe as well :) Merry Christmas!
"Count it all JOY my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. James 1:2-4
While you continue to pursue Christ I pray the Lord brings this encouraging scripture to your heart!
Ashley Shepherd
I read this a few days ago and it encouraged me so much. It's from Jon Bloom at Desiring God Ministries and is so appropriate for a few weeks from Christmas:
"The Holy Family's first few years were not tranquil. They were filled with grueling travel during the hardest part of pregnancy, a birth in worse than a barn, no steady income, an assassination attempt, two desert crossings on foot with an infant, living in a foreign country, waiting on God for guidance and provisions just in the nick of time. It was difficult, expensive, time-consuming, career-delaying and full of uncertainty.
And it was God's will.
The unplanned, inefficient detours of our lives are planned by God. They are common for disciples, and they commonly don't make sense in the moment. But God's ways are not our ways because our lives are about him, not about us. He is orchestrating far more than we know in every unexpected event and delay."
Praying God's grace---the same grace that sustained Mary, that surrounded the humble birth of the most important child ever born, that brought us a Savior from what was painful and difficult---for you and Chloe.
everyone is right. You are doing a really good job with her, and are dressing her so cute!
i've often wondered what would happen if something happened to me and my husband had to take care of my daughter alone. We have 2 boys and a girl and when I let him pick out her stuff he dresses her just like the boys!
After all that you have been through, I feel a little shallow sending you a message about the baby's clothes. And it seems that many others have noticed it too! The fact that you seem to have such a good handle on everything is reassuring to me. I have been praying for you and that sweet little peanut for months now, and I always ask God to give you a peace about doing the things that are considered "motherly", and that most husbands are taught to do by their wives. I know it's silly but seeing that you can coordinate a matching, little girls outfit reassures me that God hears my prayers for hope and pleas for peace for the two of you! And that he is indeed giving you what you need to be both mommy and daddy to Chloe.
She really is a beautiful baby, and I love the picture with her in the stocking!
Merry Christmas. Chloe continues to be so lucky and blessed that she has you for a Daddy. Thoughts and prayers continue your way.
Love that cap with the flower on it! Chloe is quite a little lady. Thanks for posting the photo of you and Sara. Miss her everyday!
Thank you for continuing to share your journey with all of us. I think of you, Chloe, and Sara often and pray that God continues to guide you and give you comfort. Your dedication to your faith - at a time when many people would question or abandon faith - is incredible. Merry Christmas, Sullivan family!
I just have to say that you're doing an outstanding job with your precious little girl, "Dad"!!! I pray God blesses you as you continue your journey (adventure is more like it) of raising His daughter.
I don't think I can say anything that the others haven't already said, but I'll agree that your little girl has a whole lotta class, is unbelievably adorable, and is so blessed to have a dad who is making a wonderful life of memories for her to hold.
Love the sweater pics...what a fun glad you're keeping that one going.
Praying for you as we near Christmas! Praying that Christ's advent will touch your heart in a brand new way.
Iv read your blog for a while now since being directed here. Chloe is so precious and blessed to have a father like you, i wish i could have an ounce of the strength you have. Happy Holidays xx
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