Chloe and I are thrilled to be back at home. Alabama was good, but there is something to be said about being HOME! I picked up Chloe in Houston on the way back to San Antonio. Here are a few pics from our time in Houston.

I had Mohs surgery on my face last Tuesday. The procedure was much more involved than I was expecting. I thought I would be in and out in about an hour, but I ended up being at the hospital all day and left with a lot of stitches in my cheek. The doc cut out the cancer spot and then sent it to the lab to check the margins. He had to go back in one more time and cut out a little more tissue. I will spare you the graphic "mid-surgery" snapshot, but here are the results.

I got the stitches out this week and am healing up well. The doctor who did the procedure specialized in "facial reconstruction." I never intended on having plastic surgery, but...I also did not intend on getting cancer on my face. Looking back, I am a little frustrated with myself that I waited so long to get this spot checked out. It started out like a pimple a few years ago and after numerous attempts to pop it, it scabbed over and eventually turned into a "mole." It was gradually growing during that period, but I did not realize how big it had gotten.
If you want some advice...WEAR SUNSCREEN and get "growths" checked out! Enough about cancer...
If you want some advice...WEAR SUNSCREEN and get "growths" checked out! Enough about cancer...
After dinner, Chloe and I usually spend a few minutes just hanging out making faces at each other and talking. Here is a cute video of her during one of our post-dinner hangouts...
I hope her "crazy leg" kicking does not develop into a Restless Leg Syndrome diagnosis. Ha!
Until next time...

Glad to hear you both are doing well! And I will continue praying for you both!
Looking forward to heading home to San Antonio as well! 11 days to go! Yay!
Thanks for the reply email, by the way. Take care & God bless!
~Debra in Japan
So glad to hear you & Chloe are doing well & that your surgery went well.
Chloe has gotten so big & is so adorable! Thanks for the update! :)
(that probably sounds weird being I don't even know you, but I enjoy reading your posts...all the way from UT).
what a beauty she is!!! glad your surgery went fine. Prayers for you and Chloe
Chloe is such a happy baby and you're an amazing father. Happy to hear you're both doing well!
oh my word look at how much that punkin has grown. She is adorable. Getting so big.
I too recently had a mole removed from my back good thing it wasn't cancer. I am blessed with that and yes wearing sunscreen is a must after that scare.
Glad you are back home.
Shes sure a doll.
God Bless the both of you and you are continued in my prayers
Glad you have arrived at home safely. Also, very glad to hear the surgery went well. ENOUGH cancer is right!!! I hope you have a terrific Thursday!! :)
I have a nine month old, and if what he and Chloe are doing is a sign of restless leg, then I guess they'll be on medication together, haha! I "stalk" your blog all the way from Alabama so I'll try not to take any offense to your comment about leaving this great state(I'm kidding). In all seriousness, I am inspired by you and your daughter. Thank you for what you do everyday, even when no one is watching! And thank you for your witness!
Tiffany Hill
She is so precious!! Her leg kicking is too cute!
Awww, she's a princess!
Chloe can sure put a smile on my face just like Sara always could! Thanks for keeping us updated.
I have a 9 month old who is so busy and jumpy...sometimes he moves and does things just like when he was in my tummmy. I bet that Chloe did that same thing in Sara's tummy! So sweet, she always makes me smile. Glad you are both enjoying being back at home!!
So glad to here that you and Chloe are doing well!!! Chloe is getting so big and beautiful as ever!
The way Chloe looks at you is absolutely beautiful! You don't know me. But I've followed your blog. I'm a friend of Jennie Schantz (she shared your blog with me). She was close friends with Katie (who recently passed) who was friends with you and your wife. My husband is a pilot also...and was recently at PIT in San Antonio. We're now in Pensacola.
I've been so moved and touched by your blog. I keep a link to your blog onto my blog...listed as one of "The blogs that I love..."
A couple of months ago a friend lost her battle to rectal cancer (32 years old...mother of 3 little girls). And just prior to your loss, my mom's husband lost his battle to cancer. All of these significant losses that have touched me over the last few months have made me grab onto to life even harder! There is so much to enjoy and everyday is a "day not promised to me." That is a line from one of your blogs that I think about often.
So, thanks for your intimate exposure into your life. You're a beautiful example and have given me (and I'm sure hundreds of others, if not thousands) a new outlook on life! You should be proud of yourself for the gracefulness you display in your life!
Goodness gracious; that girl is adorable! Cancer stinks. My baby brother is currently fighting a brain tumor, and my husband and his grandmother have dealt with skin cancer. God Bless You!!
Thanks for the post-it lifts my spirits to see Chloe's smiling face! Chloe leg stuff is just her warming up for her walking and running days! Thanks again.
Glad all has turned out well with you. And she is getting sooo big! Love the video how she is tryin to mock daddy...thanks for sharing with us you don't know but have grown to love your family! May God continue to bless yall!!!! hugs from Houston
Been following your blog for a while now, I do hope you don't mind me popping by! I think you are so brave and what a precious little girl you have. Sending love and every best wish from South Africa!
She has such a sweet little voice. My son does that one leg kicking thing, too. :)
Glad to hear that yall are doing great! Chloe is just beautiful!
Absolutely gorgeous AS ALWAYS!!! I just love love love love her infectious horribly CUTE smile!!
Heal quickly we need you better!!
Shonda =)
So glad you are both doing well. I'm a single mom to my 7 year old, and have been since she was 1 1/2. Your bond with your daughter is so precious! And what a beauty she is! Hugs from Idaho! :)
No way! Is she already waving? GENIUS!! She is too precious. Glad y'all are doing well. You continue to do an AMAZING job as a daddy. Glad you are okay after the surgery...WOW! THanks for updating!
oh goodness, love that kicking leg! I know she's got Sara's dancing gene already! Thank you so much for the thinking of us Brady, got your note the other day. I know that all 3 of you will be here in spirit!
Glad to hear that your surgery went well. Your sweet daughter is absolutely amazing and adorable! What a joy! Praying for you all!
Chloe has GOT to think her daddy is the craziest, funniest guy ever! The video was sweet!!
can't believe how BIG she's getting but still so tiny when I held her the other day!
Glad the Doc fixed you up and your surgery went well.
See you both soon! It's good to have you back!
Love the pics of Chloe and that HUGE smile!! Also, we're praying for your surgery Brady and hope the next one goes smoothly!
Ashley & Daniel Andreano
Glad your surgery went well. I can't believe how Chloe is growing. She is beautiful. I just love the faces in these pictures..she is such a ham.
oh my goodnes me, she has the best smile!
oh, and praying for you tonight as you heal!
She is getting so big! love her big smile!! Hope your cheek heels and take care of yourself!!
So glad that I was able to get to see Chloe while she was in Houston! she is such a good baby and I think the "crazy leg" will turn into high kicks,lol. I think the cheerleading genes are already kicking in. Hope you have a great Memorial Day weekend.
Chloe has a beautiful smile. Glad that your surgery went well. Thank you for the pictures....
now off to find that dermatologists number.....
She is the cutest baby and I am sure you are a great daddy.
I'm glad that you survived your surgery. At least it's all over now (or so one can hope, right? :)
The pictures of your Little Lady are great! Her smile is very captivating as well as gorgeous! She just keeps growing and growing! I always LOVE the pictures you share with us of her cuteness. :)
Anyway, take care, and enjoy the comforts of being at home with your Little Lady. You're still in my thoughts and prayers.
~Mrs. Lady Sofia~
I don't know you but have been following this blog for awhile now.
Every time I see new pictures of Chloe, she gets more adorable, if that is possible!!
I am so glad the doctor's got your 'cancer spot' taken care and will pray that there is no recurring growth, etc..
Praying for you and your family as you 'keep on keepin on' in your new normal.
My favorite photos have to be the ones with the big pink bow and black outfit--how cute she is!!!
Praying for your recovery and the end to another trying season of life.
Watch out! You'll be chasing that little girl around on those crazy legs soon enough!
Did you know we're moving to Korea?
I've been following your story from the start ( I cant' even remember now how I found your blog). I've prayed for your family so many times. I wanted to tell you THANK YOU for serving our country. You are an amazing father, and I just feel really thankful that God is your rock and fortress.
Sorry about the cancer. I'm so glad you are okay!
Kelly in Michigan
Wow, you have been through SO much.. I have never even heard of the surgery that you had done. I pray that all goes well. Chloe is sure a cutie and you have done such a wonderful job with her.
I just love reading your blog and am so happy you write. Although I only know you and your story through your blog, I pray for you and think of you often.
So glad you got the growth taken care of! Take care of yourself!
Chloe is such a little angel. She brings a smile to my face just looking at her.
I had Mohs surgery on skin cancer I had on my ear. Thanks for sparing us mid surgery pictures :) I know for mine they had to use skin from behind my ear and plug the hole they made from cutting out the cancerous area. Ick.
But yes, it's best to take care of things right away and not let them get worse.
Chloe has got to be one of the cutest babies I've seen, and she gets cuter as the months go by. I know her mom would be so proud...
Thank you for the updates Brady! Chloe is getting so big and she is so beautiful. I was going through a box old photographs and letters yesterday, many of which include Sara. It took me hours to go through it all, but it was hours of wonderful memories. I am always thankful that she was a part of my life. Your blog always brightens my day and reminds me of her. Thank you again. Give little Chloe kisses from me.
She looks like her mom when she smiles! She is absolutely beautiful!
Good to hear surgery went well and Chloe is just growing like a weed! What a cutie!! I feel like I know you guys so well. ha!
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