After Brad passed away, Jenny was contacted by a few widows/widowers and found comfort in sharing stories with them. She offered that same support to me and I found it very healing to share with someone who had experienced the same loss that I had. She understood the pain that came from losing her spouse and best friend. She also "saw the bigger picture" and trusted that God had a plan for her life.
After a month of emailing back and forth, I called Jenny and we began to converse nightly on the phone. During one of my trips back to Houston to visit family, Chloe and I met Jenny and her kids (Zeke - 7 and Kaelyn - 4). Jenny lives less than 1 mile from the house where Sara grew up (and where Sara's mom still lives).
When Chloe and I got out of the car at Jenny's house, Kaelyn met us at the car and asked, "Where is Chloe's mommy?" I told her that Chloe's mommy was in the same place as her daddy. She smiled and nodded...and truly understood. Jenny, Zeke, Kaelyn, Chloe and I spent the afternoon barbecuing and swimming. Our time together felt so natural. We had a lot to talk about and I felt an immediate bond with Jenny and her kids.
During the months that followed, Jenny and I began dating. Soon after Sara died, I began to pray about the future. Though I did not put a list on paper, in my mind I desired my future wife to be a widow. There is an understanding between those who have lost their mates, and I love the fact that Jenny and I can talk openly about Brad and Sara. I love hearing stories about Brad and Jenny's lives together because that has formed who she is.
Over the past months, Jenny and I have spent lots of time together and our relationship has continued to develop.

1 – 200 of 239 Newer› Newest»Congratulations to both of your families! God has such sweet plans for your lives!
Congratulations. She is beautiful and God is amazing to have brought you together.
Chloe is a dollface, she is getting so big.
Absolutely AMAZING God!! Such a beautiful story of sorrow, Gods mercy, and His joy. CONGRATULATIONS to both of you!
Congratulations Brad & Jenny. God is so good!
congrats, brad! you all look so happy.
Congratulations! I have been keeping up with you & Chloe ever ever since your blog was posted on a prayer request blog. Chloe is precious and congratulations to you both.
She is beautiful, and I'm so happy you have found someone to make you love again. Congratulations.
Congratulations!!! I've been following your blog since right before your Sara passed away. I've enjoyed reading your updates since then. This post made me so happy for you! I can't imagine how excited you must be. God is so good and this is clear part of His plan. Two widows meshing their families. The children will be blessed! Congratulations!
Happy tears of JOY!! Congrats you two!!! Tahoe is a wonderful romantic spot, Brady, GREAT job on the location! Sooooo very happy for the two of you, such a blessing!
wow, how amazing!
many blessings and joy filled years to you guys!
sara and brad are smiling down on you all for sure :)
God is great!
tears are streaming down my face as I read this post. I am so happy for you two. I have followed your story and I think God is so amazing to put you in each other's lives. Congrats! :)
That's Amazing and so Wonderful!! What a comfort you two are for each other and what a special bond all three children will have growing up.
Congrats to all 5 of you!
YAY!!!!! Congratulations! I LOVED Jenny and her kids when I met all of you at the walk! Cannot wait to see you guys in April! YAY!!!
Congratulations! Beautiful story, beautiful FAMILY!!!
I am really happy for you! And I couldn't help but notice that Zeke is wearing a Texas A&M shirt on The Wims blog :). Many blessings to you and your new family!!!
I don't know you but I've been following your blog and I just bursted in tears when I read this. I could NOT be happier for you!!!! And for Jenny!!! What a beautiful story you wrote. God bless you both - you deserve all the happiness in the world.
I've never posted here before, but I've been following for awhile and praying for your family... I just have to say congratulations. I am crying tears of joy for you and Jenny. God is so good to his children and this just brings me so much happiness. I pray MANY abundant blessings on your marriage with Jenny and your 3 children...
So happy for both you and Jenny...I know that God has great things in store for you all. What a blessing to find someone who has "been there" and to have a deeper connection as well. Congratulations!!!
Mike and Melissa Fisher
I have been watching for updates since before Chloe was heart has broken for you and I've prayed for you and Chloe. I'm so thankful to be able to witness how God has worked in bringing this next part of your life to be. I'm sitting here in awe now of our Awesome God.
Angie-Ada, OK
Praising the Lord for His goodness to the children of men. I've silently been following your blog, weeping and praying since you lost your wife. So very, very thankful for the joining of two broken-hearts to make a completed family. Blessings to you all.
So so so happy for you and Chloe! I could not hold back the tears as I was reading your post! May God bless you, Jenny and the kiddos as you join your two beautiful families!
We are so happy to hear of your great news! Congratulations to you all! I know that Sara is so happy right now!
Congratulations!! I follow your blog and Youtube and am very happy God brought you two together. I'm so happy your baby girl will have a mama.
Oh my goodness!! This is SO awesome!!! I'm SO happy for the two of you and for your beautiful families. I can't even begin to imagine what you've both experienced in your journeys, but I am SO thankful for you and for the joy you've now found with each other. I'm feeling quite ecstatic for you both and I wish you all the BEST and hope for WONDERFUL days in your future!!
So very happy for ALL of you. Both a mama and daddy for the precious children. May God bless your upcoming marriage with joy and happiness and everlasting understanding for each other.
Janis Covington Stufflebean
Greetings from Laos. Like so many others who have posted here I have never met you but been following your story since just before Sara passed away. Was thrilled to read this news. Wishing you and Jenny much joy as you plan to blend your lives and families.
OH YEH!!! So exciting. So happy for you and your family. Truly a divine blessing and His love for the both of you! What a gift that you have allowed others to share in His work in your life!
Congratulations and wishing you many blessings for a bright and happy future! You both deserve it so much.
I have been following your blog for ages, but have never commented until today I am so happy for you and Jenny!! Congratulations!!!
I've been following your blog a long time (since my cousin, Jason Carter told me about it). SOOOO...happy for you and Jenny! Hope you two will continue your blogging! BOTH of your stories are such excellent examples of God's blessings when we are faithful to Him AND that He is into every detail of our lives! I can't wait to see the rest of this story! :):) Congrats again.
I am THRILLED for you! What an AMAZING GOD we serve! You all make a beautiful couple and I look forward to reading about your future together!
I LOVE this!!! Congrats to your entire family! May the transition go smoothly! :) Yea God!!
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy for you both! And all your little ones! What a blessing! God is so good.
Congratulations! I am SO happy for the two of you! God Bless!!
Ok time to delurk. I have been following your blog since a friend passed it along for prayer requests in August 2009, right before Chloe was born. I am an Air Force wife and even have a close friend who is a PIT instructor at Randolph. Through your words, I feel like I know you! I just wanted to de-lurk to let you know that I am beyond thrilled for you. What an amazing blessing for you and Chloe. I am sure Sara is glad to know such a wonderful woman will be helping to raise her daughter. God is so good-all the time!! What an amazing rainbow to be brought about after a storm!
This is lovely. I am not a widow, but I am married to a widower (you know what I mean) and am thankful to be helping him raise a wonderful 16yo daughter for the last 10 years. I know without a doubt that you are on the right path. By living life and loving life you are both honoring your lost spouses. God Bless!!
so, so excited for you!!! i got all choked up as i read this entry...amazing what has unfolded for your beautiful sweet families. God bless you on your new journey. congratulations!!!!
:) linda
Congratulations to both of you! God's plans and love are amazing! Blessings on you all!
Thank you GOD!!! What a beautiful story! I am so happy for you Brad! Congratulations! God is an amazing God! Singing praises for your life this Sunday morning.
Beautiful. I am incredibly happy for both of you. Wishing you a lifetime of happiness.
Congratulations. You and your sweet girl deserve happiness, and I am so glad God put Jenny and her family in your life!
Congratulations- you both deserve to be happy I know you will be together!!
I am so happy for your new family...a blessing from God! May you have a wonderful life together as a family. Please keep posting pictures of you new life on your blog.....we love to see them!
CONGRATULATIONS, I have prayed for you to find a Godly wife and Mommy for Chloe. God is so good...all of the time...even in our sorrow. I am so thankful that GOD found that lady for you and that you were open to HIS leading.
Ellen. GA
Another "lurker" here!
I found your blog shortly after Sara was diagnosed with breast cancer. As a breast cancer survivor myself, I was compelled to continue following Sara's story and pray for both of you. I rejoiced when Chloe was born and heartbroken when your sweet Sara passed.
Coincidentally, I happened upon Jenny's blog in the weeks before Brad's passing. I prayed that the beautiful family that Brad left behind would find wholeness and happiness soon.
Imagine my surprise when Jenny posted recently about meeting you! What a great God we serve!!! And now here, just a few days later, news of an engagement. I admit that tears streamed down my face as I praised God for his faithfulness and his mighty works!
So now my prayers for the Wims and for the Sullivans will be combined prayers for a long and healthy life lived out in faith, while you cherish memories and make new ones. Many, many blessings to you and Jenny.
What an amazing story!
~Kathy in Dallas
So happy for you both! When we met her in frwd I kinda wondered:) Wonderful news & a reminder of God's redeeming love! Praying for you all as you become one family!
What a sweet love story that God has brought you two happy for all of you! I am friends with your SIL Therese and have followed since the loss of Sara, I know she is smiling down on you and Chloe! This post brought tears of joy to my eyes, thank you for sharing and Congratulations!
Congratulations to all of you! What a blessing that you have found each other!!! :)
Praise the Lord for blessing you with each other and for the precious children that will grow up experiencing both a Mommy AND a Daddy! My prayer is for God's gracious blessing on you and your soon to be family. I pray that any criticism will be met with grace and that any hurts will be understood as just that a hurt - though her family will be happy for you I am sure that their heart breaks for all that Sara is missing. I pray God's great peace and even a since of rightness will be in place. God is so amazing and I love that as you said, you have someone that truly understands. May your lives be enriched and blessed in the years to come. CONGRATULATIONS!
Becky in AZ
Finally an update! Congratulations Brady! We're so happy for you and Chloe!!!
Celebrating with you all! May your blended family be blessed twice as much as your hearts have hurt.
Congratulations Brad!! What an amazing answer to your prayers! It is so amazing to watch God work! Wishing you and Jenny an amazing life together! I hope we get to meet her one day! So happy for you!!
Congrats Brady!!! So happy for the two of you!!
So, so, so happy for you!!! We are a former 435th fam and still have friends in the squadron, so have been following your journey. Congrats and thanks for sharing your news!
Congratulations and Best wishes to Both of you!! This News gave me goose bumps. I am so thrilled that two wonderful people with beautiful children found one another. See how the good Lord works. Praise God for Him and Blessings to you and your little families. I see Happiness in Both of your faces. God Bless you Both Always Nancy in AZ.
Yea! Very happy for you.
Congratulations and Best wishes to Both of you and your Beautiful Children. How wonderful that the Good Lord brought you both together to spend the rest of your life together. This story has given me Goose Bumps because Our Father brought you two together.So Happy for all of you. God is Good God Is Great!!! Congratulations to ALL Nancy in AZ
Brady! This is such amazing news!!! Congratulations to you and Jenny! It's a great Birthday present to receive the news of another great adventure to begin in your life. We are so happy to know how happy you are with someone who loves the Lord, family and you. I just know that our sweet Sara and Brad W. helped bring you two together. GOD IS GOOD! He's brought you a missing piece to you and Chloe's life. God Bless you guys and we love and miss you!!! And can't wait to meet Jenny and the crew, soon!
Congrats!!!! so glad your precious girl will have Jenny and her kiddos to be part of her family. This is great news!!!!
I got chills reading this (good chills not bad) I am so happy for you and Chloe and soon to be your new extensions.
I have been following your blog since right before your wife passed away and have cried with you along the way so I am thrilled to see some excellent news.
God bless you all, please keep all of your readers posted on your life.
Another lurker stepping out to congratulate you! I'm so thrilled for both of your families. Such a sweet and beautiful beginning to a new chapter. Congrats again and blessings to you all!
Congratulations! So excited for the future that God has in store for you all as you blend your families into one!
Congratulations! As someone who fell in love with a widower AND his daughter & am now happily married to said widower & raising his precious daughter (and 3 more daughters too!) together... I am truly more thrilled for you than I can even express!
This just made me so happy. Your family is a beautiful picture of God's healing. I can't wait to see more pictures of your new life together.
I am beyond thrilled for you, Jenny, and all the children. I have also been following your blog since before Sara passed away. I know there are two angels in Heaven that are just as happy for you two that we all are.
Congratulations from SC
I know you don't know me, but I have read your blog since the beginning. Congratulations! I was very teary reading your post. What a wonderful story. May your life be full of blessings together.
What an awesome God we serve. I'm overjoyed for you both.
Congratulations!!! I got chills reading your story; God is amazing. Many blessings to you and Jenny as you continue to weave your lives together.
Congrats to you Both !!!
What an amazing story. You both deserve happiness.
God is Good!
Congratulations! So happy for your famiy!! Keep us posted on wedding plans!
Been following your blog for some time now. God is so incredible!! Congratulations from the buttom of my heart.
Praise God! Can't wait to see where His plans take you all!
What an amazing story!! I am SO happy for both of you (and the kids) I wish you guys LOTS of happiness together!
I cant wait to hear more about your the 5 of you guys growing together as a family!!
Guilty of being a "lurker" over here too!
I just HAD to say Congratulations on your engagement to Jenny! I have followed your blog since it was mentioned during a prayer request right around the time Chloe was born. So many times I have cried tears of sadness for you and your sweet, precious Chloe but tonight I am crying tears of JOY for you! What an awesome God we have!!!! Please keep all of us in the bloggy world posted!!! Thank you for sharing your life, you are such a blessing.
Amy Enid, OK
Congratulations to both of you! What a beautiful family you guys will have! A true blessing!
Brady and Jenny, I am so happy for both of you. I have followed your blog since seeing it on Jenny's. You have both lost so much yet been so strong in faith, knowing God would guide your steps. Wishing you all a beautiful and happy life!
I'm so happy for the both of you!!! I know that Sara and Brad are looking down and say, Way to Go!! I pray blessings and love and happiness to your family. Praise God!
Congratulations to you and your family! Your story has always been close to my heart, as your words have provided me with a glimpse of my husband’s journey. He walked a path similar to yours … five weeks after the birth of their 3rd little girl, his wife passed away from complications related to child birth. A year and half later, we met and were engaged within months. We are now approaching three years of marriage.
I want to thank you for sharing such deeply personal experiences with your readers. I truly feel that I understand my husband in a way I could not possibly understand before reading your blog. You have made such a difference in our lives!
I wish you and Jenny (and your three beautiful children) a future filled with happiness and new beginnings. :)
We could not be more happy and excited for you and Jenny - what an incredible God we serve. It has been such an amazing thing and an encouragement to our faith as we have seen His faithfulness played out in your lives. Thanks for sharing your story of God's goodness with the rest of us!:)
I have been following your blog since before Sarah passed away! I am thrilled to hear of your newfound love! God is so good. My sister lost her husband 2 years ago ... She has 3 small children and am encouraged by reading your story. Thanks for sharing.
God is GOOD!
Gongratulations to both you, Jennifer, and the entire family. It's truly wonderful that you have found a kindred spirit on so many levels to share their lives with. Congratulations to your entire family. God Bless you all.
Congratulations to you all! We serve an amazing God!
Wow... I am college friends with Jenny and I have read your blog since for about year now... happy for you guys... so happy... can't wait to hear more...
Congratulations!! I knew you would find an amazing woman to be your wife and Chloe's mom. I wish the two of you and your 3 children the very best for a wonderful future together! God bless you!
I've been quietly reading your blog for a long, long time and I'm so happy for you!
Congratulations!! I am crying as I read this. I am so happy for you both. What a blessing for The Lord to lead you to each other!! Please keep us updated!!!!
OH my gosh I am so excited for you and Jenny! What an amazing story that you two have! Congrats!!!
I haven't posted in a long while, but I wanted to wish you both all the happiness in the world. God indeed brought you two together so that he could heal your broken families. This could not be any more perfect. Congratulations!
Congratulations!! Wow!! This is amazing and we are so happy for you. We love you SO much and can't wait to meet Jenny and the kids! PRAISE GOD!! :)
Cuda and Krystal
Congratulations!!! How wonderful to find someone who understands where you've been and where you are! Amazing! Best of luck!!
I am so very happy for you. I recently found your blog and after reading it through, I prayed right then that you would meet someone special because you seemed like such a nice guy. Blessings for you and your bride to be.
When I read this my heart instantly said "Thank You Jesus"! I have kept up with your blog from the beginning and am so thankful to be able to witness God's provision in your life. Many blessings to you all for your future together. Please continue to keep all of us updated.
Congratulations Brady & Jenny! I have followed your blog since Sara passed away & have continued to check-in on you & Chloe. Words can't explain how happy for you! You deserve all the happiness in the world! :)
Congratulations! How good God is! This truly made my day! What a joy to see your new update! I wish y'all the best!
I have been waiting to read such an announcement on your blog!!! Congratulations! I was introduced to your story via Kelly's Korner right after Sara passed on.
In 2003, I was widowed at age 30 and had four children--ages 8 months through 10 years. My husband Doug had battled lymphoma for 3 1/2 years and died at MD Anderson in Houston. He fought and finished his race well.
Two years later I re-married a never-before-married friend of my first husband. He took a giant step by jumping into a ready-made family. We have been married for 5 1/2 years and have added a daughter to our family. God has blessed us immeasurably, and I am so happy that we are able to talk of memories of Doug with all of our children. He is not forgotten.
My oldest son will turn 18 next week, and I am continually amazed at the young man he has become--all because of the grace of God. There will always be scars from deep, deep pain, but we live with great expectation of heaven; at the same time we relish our lives here on earth and have chosen to LIVE in the land of the living. Just as you have done and are doing.
God bless you both. Well done.
I have followed both your blogs for a long time and when jenny lost brad i prayed for a good life for her and the children and that she would find someone that would father her children and she and brad would have wanted and then when you lost sarah I would pray that you could find someone that would be as special of a mom to chole as sara would have been. This is just awsome and when jenny announced you were dating on her site I could not have been more thrilled. What an awsome god we have and your children will all be well cared for. Congratulations. Lynne
What wonderful news! Congratulations to you both and to your families... you both look so happy and you can certainly see the love you have for each other!
Brady - I don't know you but i've been following your blog for a long, loooong time. Congratulations to all 5 of you -what a fabulous blessing xxx
Tears. Big 'ol sloppy tears are falling. God is such a wonderful God. He sees our heart, our needs and then takes care of us. I am so very happy for both of you and for your families.
Our Pastor preached yesterday on love, love and understanding and how our Lord has a love for us that can never be outdone.
This has to be the very best Valentine Day gift that you could have given to us - two people wrapped in our Lord's arms with two angels smiling over you...
We are blessed to know your lives and thank you for sharing.
Congratulations! I have been reading you blog for some time now and I am so happy for both of your families! God is so GOOD!
Congratulations Brady and Chloe! So happy for all of you.
Congrats! When I met Jenny at Race for the Cure in Houston with the SaraStrong group, I was hopeful that the Lord would bring y'all completely together. I know Sara and Brad are both looking down from heaven smiling knowing that the loves of their life will be taken care of.
Many blessings to you and your new family!! congrats!!
So, so happy for you!!! Praise the Lord!
Congrats to both of you. That is so awsome you have found each other.
Congratulations!! I'm truly happy for your beautiful new family!
Oh my word...CONGRATULATIONS! I am so very happy for you, Chloe and Jenny and her children. What a beautiful story of God's goodness and provision. He is bringing you both what you need and your children exactly what they need. I am so thrilled for you.
Congratulations to you both! I too have been following your blog since before Sara died! I am very happy for you and Chloe and wish you many many years of happiness!
I am so thrilled for you. God always has a plan for us!
I too have been following your blog since shortly before Sara's victory in her battle with breast cancer. I lost my beautiful, 32 year old sister to this dreaded disease in 1986. God has such a wonderful way of taking the broken, shattered pieces of our earthly lives and molding them into a new, wonderful form of love and life. I am so very happy for you and Jen and your beautiful children. May God bless your union and bring you many, many happy years of making new memories together, while still cherishing the old. Thank you for sharing your life and testimony. I pray you continue to seek His will in your lives. Bless you all,
Sue Grieser, Ohio
Congratulations! I've known Jenny since we were kids, and I've been reading your blog and getting to "know" you too. I'm so excited for you and your beautiful families! (And, I'm here in SA too, and I demand that I get to see y'all!)
Lovely story! CONGRATS!!!!
Congratulations to you both and to your kids!
Amazing!!! Best wishes to you both! Her blog is fantastic and she and her family are beautiful! So amazing that you two found each other. God is good!
a friend of jenny & brads
SO very happy for you both
You deserve eachother, and so do the kids!
Thank you God for always looking after the broken hearted! - whitney
I'm so happy for the both of you and your family! Congrats!! God bless!
So happy for you, Brad. And for Jenny. Congratulations!
I have been following the blog from the beginning and I am so excited to say Congratulations!
Although I do not know you personally I have followed your blog for several months now. I have been amazed at your absolute trust and faith in God. When I read this post it made me want to cry! I am so very happy for you and wish you and your future wife the very best.
May God bless you!
I read Jenny's blog last night, both of you are so deserving of each other. My sister-in-law, Kristina Bianchi (Jason), sent me the blog right after Chloe was born. Your family has remained in my thoughts and prayers.
Congratulations and wishing you much happiness!
This is wonderful news! I hope you and she will continue blogging and let us in on the "rest of the story"....congratulations!
Beautiful. A great friend and mentor has the same type of story with her and her current husband. They have been married about 10 years now and neither of their first spouses have been forgotten. It has been, is, and will be an amazing union ordained by the Lord... just as it will be for you and Jenny. So excited for you both. And even more excited that you will be able to carry on the legacy of Brad and Sara. I know I don't know you but I'm so so so happy for both of you!
Congratulations Brad and Jenny!! Yall are a beautiful couple and I am so happy for you!! He sure did turn your sorrows into joy!! :)
How wonderful! Congratulations to you both!
THANK YOU for the wonderful update. Congratulations! I wish you all the best. I know you will always keep Sara in your heart. It is nice that you have found someone to share your life with.
This brings so much joy to my heart and tears to my eyes! Gods provision is incredible and this has spoken to my heart of Gods faithfulness and I am grateful!!! Much love to you both!
-Sister in Christ. Jodee
CONGRATS!! She is beautiful and so is your new family. The kind of person Sarah was she would be so happy to see you smile! :) I have 2 very close friends who lost their husbands last year and their going through a hard time with grief and young children. It is soo uplifting to see a happy ending! Good luck on your new journey!
I couldn't be happier for you and your family...congratulations and best wishes for many years of joy and good health!
Wishing you both a lifetime of happiness together.
Oh my goodness! I have been following your blog from NW Oklahoma since the beginning! I read this post today and cried and got goose bumps! Congratulations to both of you and your children. God is so good! Please keep up the blogging! :)
CONGRATULATION! This is just absolutely wonderful news. what a beautiful family and what a fabulous story of God's faithfulness.
So happy for all of you! I am an "older" friend of Jenny's. Our son and Brad W were good friends. I read through all of your blog posts after Jenny posted about the two of you dating, and just sat amazed at how God has led the two of you to one another. And as others have said, I am confident that both Sara and Brad are happy to know that the two of you have found each other. Blessings to all five of you!
congratulations to the both of you!
I am glad all of the children involved gain another parent to love them on earth as well the one they have in heaven!
AWESOME!!!!! INCREDIBLE!!! God's hand is truly at work here:) You are both amazing, and congratulations to both of you:)
Beautiful!! Congratulations, God is so good!
Beautiful!! God is so so good. He truly always has a plan! Congratulations to all 5 of you.
SOOOOO incredibly happy for you Brady & little Chloe!!! What an amazing work God has graciously done in your lives and in the lives of Jenny, K & Z!!!! We also praise Him for how He used Sara & Brad in their individual testimonies for Christ through their physical trials here on earth.
Eph 3:20!!! Keep us posted!
Ben and Joy in CO
- we're grinning from ear to ear at your news!
I have followed both of you on your blogs but have never commented. I am so happy for all of you. Looks like you will make a great family and I can already see the love between all of you!
God has wonderful plans for everyone, and you two are no exception. Congratulations to the beginnings of a wonderful family!
Brad, this post put a huge smile on my face. I can't wait to show Cassy. Congratulations dude.
I am so happy for both of you and for your 3 children. We were created for companionship, to love and be loved. Peace and joy be with all of you as you continue this journey of life.
Congratulations! We've been praying for you since September 2009. It's such a blessing to see how God is working your lives. We rejoice with you and gives thanks to God for His unfailing goodness!
Congratulations! I was hoping you would meet someone eventually and it looks like God has abundantly blessed you both with a partner and families to love. Absolutely beautiful!
Okay, so you don't know me from Adam, but I've been following your blog for a long time now, enjoying each monthly update! Checking in today and hearing this news.. well, it just gave me chills and made me feel so happy for you, for Chloe, and for your new family- they are beautiful!! God bless!!
What wonderful news!!! Yall should make your story into a movie! God is good! Hope yall will continue blogging!
I heard about your blog fom a friend of Sarah's who was so inspired by her positive and uplifting attitude. I know she is looking down on your new family with a very happy heart. Chloe is a very lucky lady.
Congratulations! I have been following your story after being directed here before Sara passed. It is so great to see such happiness in place of sorrow.
I have been a follower of your blog shortly before Sara died. I am happy you have found someone special to share your life with. Congratulations! Can't wait to see wedding photos :)
god bless.
I do not know you and I have never commented a post, but I have prayed for you as many other strangers have. A friend sent me your blog and prayer request just days before your wife passed. I shared in the joy in the birth of Chloe, then grieved in your loss, and now rejoicing in the joy that the Lord has brought in your healing, strengthening of your relationship with Him, and a new love. Congratulations to you and Jenny. It is obvious she is beautiful inside and out, and a great answer to prayer that you can have comfort in sharing the lives you had with your spouses. I was so inspired that I shared your story and linked your blog on my blog tonight. I hope you are okay with this as the inspirational and encouraging story of your journey is continuing to be shared and bring others to Him. Thank you for sharing your story!
As yet another who has been deeply touched by your blog but never commented, I have to ask if you've ever been approached about writing a book! Your story reads better than any work of fiction or non-fiction, AND is a testimony of God's goodness in the midst of sorrow. SO happy for you and Jenny!!
So happy for you, Brady! This is wonderful, wonderful news! : )
This story melts my heart. Congrats to both of you!!
Congratulations and many blessings!
Hey Dude, Just lost my Wife, Jessica, on Feb 8th to the same scenario -- the brain hemorrhage on the right side caused by pressure at the cerebral cortex. She had thyroid cancer. She delivered a preemie, Little Jessi, as she was dying. Thanks for posting her/your story. You're helping me out big time. Painful but totally wrapped up in my Lord. Congrats to you and Jenny. I can't even think of remarrying right now, but you've given me hope for the future.
Wow! What amazing and wonderful news! I have prayed for you and your daughter since I heard the horrible news about your first wife. I am soo glad that you have found another wonderful soul to share your life with! Congrats!
AMAZING story. Absolutely AMAZING. God Bless BOTH of you!
It is awesome and fills me with hope and faith to see God provide so perfectly for you both. Again, thank you for your testimony and letting others share in your journey so that we can see His goodness.
Congratulations, Brad and Jenny! May the Lord bless you as you become one.
Reading this post brought chills to me! What an amazing story of God's work in this world. Congratulations! Your family is beautiful!
The best news I've had all week and I don't even know you! Fantastic! Congrats and best wishes. God is so good all the time!
I am so happy for you two. This is the first time I have left a message, but I have been a faithful follower of your blog from the beginning when one of our teachers asked us to pray for you and Sara. We are in Crosby just north of DP. God is so good how he creates devine appointments. You both have to keep blogging. Like Paul Harvey would say, we just have to know "The Rest of the Story." God bless all of you.
What wonderful news, you both deserve long and happy lives.
Thank you for sharing the news.
A match made from heaven!
Congratulations and best wishes.
I don't know how i missed this one but CONGRATS to you and Jenny! She has such a radiant smile! Best wishes for an amazing future together!
congrats to you both
Congratulations!! I am so happy for you both!!! I too think how wonderful that God brought you two together!
Congratulations to both of you and your families! Your story has been one of sorrow, courage and strength, and now to know that you have found true love again ... That is a blessing and I truly wish you, Jenny and all of the kids the best!
How great is our God? Wow- I could not be happier for you and Jenny. God bless you as build your lives together.
This is darling! I could cry, I am so excited that yall will have a family. What a story those kids will have to tell! I can't wait to see where life's journey leads you two! Well, I should say you FIVE!
We are so so so EXCITED for you guys!!! Congratulations!!!! Maybe we'll ever get to live near you again and can meet the newest additions for your family! We love the pictures and hope to see you and Chloe again soon and God willing someday meet Jenny, Zeke and Kaelyn!
I know you won't believe this, but through two completely different friends I started following Jenny's journey while Brad was bravely fighting cancer and then through another friend started following your painful journey when your sweet Sara was in the hospital after having Chloe. I've shed many tears for your families. The only other non-family member blog I follow is one for a little boy who passed away from cancer, Walker Rainey. My girls routinely included Baby Chloe and Baby Walker in their nightly prayers - I've included you and Jenny in mine and thought from the beginning that God should put two people like you together. I never actually imagined he would literally put you two together!!! I have never met any of you but I am crying with joy for you now and wish you a lifetime of happiness together with your beautiful children. You are all such an inspiration for so many people - your faith continues to touch my life, thank you! I am so happy for you all!! I have a cousin who is going through breast cancer treatment right now, she has family and friends to help her but has never been married. I know that isn't a necessary part of a good life but I hope and pray that her journey through this tough time in her life results in eventual joy as you have found. Her caring bridge website is and any prayers are appreciated! - Gayle Dornak Schoessow, Fighting Texas Aggie Class of 2001
My heart is literally leaping for joy! Congratulations to you both!
Congratulations to you both! What an amazing God to bring you together and allow you to grow together as you have. I have only the best wishes for your families as you become one.
Like many I have followed your blog since right before Sarah passed away. As are all the rest so happy that you found someone who has unfortunatley walked the same journey but can provide you with so much happiness. Congrats!
I am a lurker that has been following your story this past year. I just wanted to write my first comment to congratulate you. I am excited for what the future has in store for your family. What an amazing God! :)
And all of God's people said AMEN!!!
And all of God's people said...AMEN!!!
Congratulations!!! You all make a beautiful blended family.
We have been following your story, and this post brought tears of joy to my eyes.
God is great! Congrats to you both!
Congratulations!! I am so happy for both of you! I hope your family continues to have a blog, I'm kind of attached to seeing Chloe grow!! :)
Warmest congratulations to two people I have never met. May the Lord richly bless your upcoming lives together.
So happy for you! May God bless your families!
Been following your blog since before Chloe was born. I am thrilled that you have found Jenny and will begin a new chapter in your life. Blessings to you both!
CONGRATULATIONS! What an inspiration you both are! A wonderful story of hope and love. Even in pictures she has a 'glow' about her as did Sara. And a beautiful smile. :) God bless you both and your darling family. :)
SO happy for both of y'all and your families! Best wishes! Katy D.
How amazing to have followed this journey. From the post of your wife's this. The answer to the prayer that many strangers prayed. It's just beautiful! How great is our God!
I am so, so THRILLED for you! I know Sara and Brad would want this for you both. You're creating a new family but still honoring your first spouses, and that's completely beautiful. You and Jenny will have an awesome future---God is SO GOOD!
WOW! Congrats! I am so excited for you. I was wondering what was going on, since you hadn't posted in FOREVER! So excited for the two of your families.
We are so excited for you!! What an exciting time in your life. We wish you the best in your adventures to come. Can't wait to updates!!
The Niebuhr's
I have goosebumps reading this wonderful post of you two finding each other... I bet that Sara and Jenny's past husband had a LOT to do with you two meeting up and falling in love... I am so happy that you have found yet another incredible woman to share your life with.
How very fortunate for all the kids...two amazing parents and room for past memories to be kept alive.
God Bless you all.
Oh wow, I am so totally out of the loop. Anyway, congrats! What a wonderful love story! I know Sara and Brad are up there elated that you two found love again!
So happy you found happiness again with another woman although I am quite shocked that you started dating only a few months after you buried Sara. Hope it works out for the best.
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