During Sara's treatment, we frequently talked about how the trials that we were going through would enable us to offer "been there/done that" support to people experiencing similar situations. I never fathomed that I would be offering that support so soon.
I thought I was mentally prepared for the trip, but found it very difficult to walk into the funeral home, knowing full well what Jon and his family were experiencing. After I learned of Katie's death, it took me a long time to understand the feelings I was having. I had just experienced the death of my loving wife, but the feeling of helplessness from "being on the outside" and unable to help, was a horrible feeling. I now know how you felt for our family, and for that I thank you.
Katie and Sara had many similarities. Both were due with their babies on the same date. Both were married for 5 years. Both were great friends to all who knew them. Both were known for their "infectious" smile. Both loved to be on the dance floor. Both loved their families well. Both loved to travel. Both had their funerals in the same place where they were married. Both had the same song at their wedding ("The Prayer"). And, most importantly, both loved Jesus!
As I was sitting in the crowd at Katie's funeral, emotions arose and I found it hard to believe what had taken place in the past month. Watching the slide show before Katie's funeral, this picture brought on a wave of emotions.

Korea - Feb 2007
It is hard to believe that this picture was taken almost 3 years ago...it feels like yesterday. How can 2 of those healthy ladies now be gone?
Though most of the trip was wrapped up in sorrow, there was a large showing of friends from our squadron in Korea (where we met the Friedmans). Reunions should not only take place during times of sadness, so we decided that there is going to be an annual 36 FS Fiend Reunion in Florida. Chloe and I look forward to attending.

One of the neat stories that came from the trip to Colorado has to do with the blog. Katie shared Sara's story with many of her family and friends. There is a group of moms who Katie met online when she was pregnant with her first son, Clark. This group of ladies became good friends via the internet as they discussed their pregnancy stories, birth stories and stories about raising their little ones. Eight of these ladies (who had never met in person) flew in from across the country to pay their respects to Katie and met for the first time. This speaks volumes about the person that Katie was. While at the visitation on Tuesday night, this group of moms came over to me and said, "Are you Brady?" Katie had told them about our story and they have been following the blog. It was great to meet some of the "strangers" who have been praying for us. A chaplain from the Air Force Academy (who was officiating Katie's service) did the same thing (walked up and asked if I was Brady). He and his group of cadets have been following the blog and praying for us, too. Thank you to all of you "strangers" out there who have been following our journey and praying for us. I look forward to meeting some more of you in the future.
Please continue to lift up the Friedman/Wise family in your prayers. Thank you!
Chloe spent the week with my mom in Austin. Here is an updated photo. She is getting big!
Please continue to lift up the Friedman/Wise family in your prayers. Thank you!