It is hard to believe that Chloe turned 10 months old this past week. We are doing well. She is on the verge of crawling, loves to stand up while holding my fingers, and has her first tooth. I will write more later, but following are some pics from the past month.

Brady - she gets more and more beautiful!! Love all the new pics and the peek a boo is adorable. Friend of Jon's and I always love your updates.
How sweet are those baby giggles! That put a big smile on my face.
Brady - she is so precious and those eyes of hers are so expressive!! I still want to gobble those litte cheeks up!! Thanks for the update. Take care and give Chloe a big hug from her "fan" in Deer Park.
What a doll! I love her laugh. I bet this is the best prize ever for coming home each night!
So sweet!!
what a sweet video of you and Chole playing! her giggle is too precious! i love that she kept looking for you over the blanket :)
God Bless you two!
Brady...She is SO BEAUTIFUL! What a joy she must be for you.
I have to ask what kind of camera you have because the photos are always so clear and the colors are so bright!
Sweet sweet little lady! She sure is growing up beautifully!
She's a tiny little thing. (like Aunt Angie)
I loved the pics and video...I feel a little silly but whenever you post I get so excited because I know that Chloe is going to make me smile. She is soooo cute and I am proud of you for being a good dad. It isn't easy raising kids without your spouse but I am learning that God gives us what we need. You are an encouragement to me. Thanks.
I love that she is always so stylish. The matching outfits are adorable!!
I am totally in love with her! SHe is so cute and fun and well flat out gorgeous! I can't wait to see her again some time soon! Miss you guys.
So happy to see new pictures of that beautiful growing baby. She is absolutely precious!
Wow. She is precious. Looks like you are doing a great job! Happy Happy Baby.
10 months already? It's hard to believe that much time has flown by.
Chloe is so precious! I love all of the pics and video~she is so blessed to have such a wonderful daddy! May God continue to bless you both!
Awww...she's so cute! God bless you and Chloe!
Wow! What a precious baby girl she is:) Baby laughs can warm a soul in no time! What a blessing she is:)She is one gorgeous baby girl;)
She is absolutely gorgeous! There is no better sound than a baby's laughter! Thanks for sharing your journey!
Looking great as always!! Hope you & Chloe are enjoying your summer so far! :)
too flippin' cute!
I cannot believe how big she's getting! You're doing a great job, Daddy.
That video is priceless! Thank you for sharing the joy.
Really enjoy your updates! Chloe is a doll and you are obviously a good daddy! Happy to see you're both "doing all right!" Love the video!
love seeing the updates on Chloe, months already, time flies. she is such a cute little girl :) I know it cant be easy but you are doing a wonderful job & her mama is watching over you two :)
I can't believe she is 10 months already. I have a godson that will 10 months tomorrow. Time flies really quick..soon you will be celebrating her 1st birthday. Your doing a great job with chloe.
The video was so CUTE! I love it. You guys are going to be best friends for life. Praise God!
How hysterical, little ones are so precious! Had to watch the video a couple of times and laughed a lot! I loved her anticipation of seeing over the blanket! Priceless, thanks for sharing.
Oh how will you EVER punish this lil girl when she get's older??? The giraffe outfits are the cutest things EVER I absolutely LOVE Chloe's hat!! I have been missing your posts! Hope you had a wonderful daddy's day!!
Thanks for the update.
I just wanted to say how inspiring your blog is to me. I have been following it for awhile now and I am amazed at your unwavering faith. We have a little girl about a month younger than your little Chloe, a complete blessing and miracle from our Father in Heaven. You have a wonderful testimony of how God can make your stronger and bring you through, any storm in life. I laugh, I cry, and stand to be amazed while reading your updates. I wish the best for you and Chloe and you will definitely be in my prayers!!
I've been following your blog for several months now. Just have never commented. I never cease to be amazed at the grace you have shown through this time in your life. Chloe is an absolutely beautiful baby girl. She's had a great Daddy here on Earth to raise her, and she's got a great Momma in Heaven watching over the two of you. I've laughed and I've cried while reading your posts - thank you for sharing a little slice of your life with others. What an inspiration you and Chloe are.
You are an amazing father! So strong for your little girl. It is amazing how much strength your little ones can bring to you when you don't think you have any. Looks like you two make the perfect team! Prayers that blessings continue for both you and Chloe!
She's beautiful! Hope you were able to enjoy your first Father's Day last month! I'm sure it was a little bittersweet, but I hope there was joy there for you too.
Thank you for sharing. God Bless you and Chole and the wonderful support group of friends who share your life.
Sara must have been a wonderful woman and by sharing your story you allow her to continue to touch lives.
My son has an angel tattoo that is made like an anchor, he had it done when his grandmother died because he said in the time of religious persecution an anchor symbol outside a home meant a safe place; a harbor for christians to worship. When an anchor was worn it was a symbol to show the person as the leader or the one who bound the group together... he said this was who his grandma was.
That said, steer your ship for Sara will always be the anchor for you and Chole.
In God,
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