If you feel compelled to donate, click here to go to my Komen fundraising page.
We would love to have you join Team SaraStrong. We will be walking in Houston and Dallas. If you would like to walk with us, click the city name to go to the sign-up page.
Thank you!
Chloe hopes to see you on race day.

Been praying for you knowing the past month has to have been so difficult... may our gracious God give you continued comfort... praying for great success on race day:)
Chloe is so beautiful! I can really see her mother in her! Have a great walk in Dallas! I live in Waco and if I could make it to meet yall I would! I do do the Komen race in Waco every year! Stay strong and God bless you and Chloe! You are such an inspiration! When I speak of breast cancer yalls story always comes up because I have been following your blog all year. You have touched my life and I am a better person because of that.
Thank you!
I have been reading your blog for over a year now, Sara is so inspiring..having lost my mom to breast cancer I have kept us with you all to see how little Chloe is growing up, she is such a doll! I was told by my aunt that she had met you last year at the race for the cure, Terri Swain, we're the "war against my rack" team this year and I will be running with my aunt, I'll look forward to see all of you running in Sara's honor, she seems like she was such a vibrant and wonderful soul!!!!
I would love to be a part of it, but I will be participating in the Waco, TX American Cancer Society Relay For Life on Oct. 16. How about I walk a special lap just for Sara and another for you and Chloe? Hope Komen raises a ton of money!
I'm on my way to the Cincinnati Race for the Cure this very morning, and checked your blog, what great timing! My prayers will be with you and Chloe and we will be remembering Sara...
Beautiful. :) We learned of you and Sara and your situation over a year ago through Ben and Joy. We followed Sara's progress and treatments and remembered you all in prayer often. I remember checking your blog early in the morning before heading to the hospital for my c-section--that was the day Sara passed. Our little one just turned one this week, and I often remember Sara's passing when I think about the day Makenna was born. I never met Sara, but her life has definitely made an impact on me, reminding me to live with love and joy and to treasure the privilege of being a mother. The name of Jesus has certainly been lifted high through your lives. We praise God for the grace He has poured out upon you and for the your faithfulness in glorifying Him in all things. Thanks for continuing to blog! Chloe is a fun and beautiful little girl!
For as long as I have been reading the blog it never dawned on me that Chloe & I share a birthday. I signed up to walk in Sarah's honor at a breast cancer walk here in New York with my colleagues. I will also stop by your fundraising page. I will actually be in Houston the week before the walk (I'm from NY actually)-too bad it wasn't the same weekend I (a blog stranger) would have totally come to the Komen walk too.
An amazing and touching video to watch. My heart aches for you still. And I have to say that you must be an outstanding father and I love to see you laugh at Chloe for digging in your ear the entire time!! LOL
Hi, Brady. I sent you an email but I'm worried it might have gotten lost in your spam folder. I host the Theopologetics Podcast and would greatly appreciate the opportunity to interview you on my show, discussing the question, "How could a loving and powerful God allow so much evil and suffering?" I think my listeners and I would be greatly edified by your story. Thanks for your consideration!
I have followed your blog for a long time now. LOOOVE the video. I cried. You're a wonderful husband and father. Chloe looks a lot like her mommy. She is one blessed little girl to have you. Blessings, love and prayers sent your way. :)
I came across your blog shortly after the passing of your wife. I have enjoyed following you and Chloe this past year. I live in Florida, I ran a 5K for Susan G Komen last Oct at UCF. What a powerful feeling to be a part of that. My mother n law is a 4 year survior. I will be running the 5k again this October at UCF. But also, Oct 29-31, I will be walking 60 miles in 3 days for Susan G Komen, with my sister and my sister n law. Raising $$ and awareness to find a cure for this disease so your "Chloe" and my " Cassidy" do not have to face this.
When I walk at the end of October I will be thinking of Chloe and you, as I have often over this past year. And I have shared your story with my friends and family.
If I lived closer, I will join your team and walk with you all. But just know that during my run and the 60 miles I walk at the end of October, you will be in my thoughts!
Wow, so powerful. I've never met either of yall but continue to be touched by your story. What a true LEGACY she has left, and not just in that precious baby girl. May God truly continue to bless you and keep you in His arms and may His face shine upon you. Blessings on race day
I've been following your blog for a few months now, ever since I became friends with the Tiny Sparrow Foundation on Facebook and saw Chloe's pictures and story. I'm a young single mom, and don't have much to my name or in my bank account, but I was able to make a small donation in honor of Sara. I hope you meet your goal and wish I could contribute more.
Emily Olson
Tucson, AZ
My sister, Beth Adkins, was diagnosed with Stage IV breast cancer at age 31. She died 6 months later on her son's 2nd birthday, March 6, 1986. She also had a 3-1/2 year old daughter. She discovered the lump when pregnant with her son, but it wasn't diagnosed until almost 2 years later. Better medical and lay education and earlier detection may have saved her life, so I honor her legacy by having yearly mammography testing, and by supporting the Susan G Komen association efforts. I feel honored to donate to Sara's team, and pray for you and Chloe daily. Thank you for sharing Sara's story and her continuing legacy through you and Chloe on your blog.
God Bless,
Sue Grieser
I'm stopping by from Blog Frog where Jamie, Avant Garde Parenting, shared your blog.
A truly touching video. I lost my mom to breast cancer in 1996. I just have no words, except to say that Chloe is simply beautiful. Enjoy your little girl and all the wonders and miracles she will continue to bring to your life.
What a beautiful tribute to Sara! After watching the video I shed tears for someone else for the first time since my wife passed away. I feel like that was a step in the right direction. Thank you for inspiring me and helping me when you can.
Ryan in OK
I haven't checked your blog in a while, and oh my, how Chloe had grown! She is SO beautiful! She looks like her daddy, with a hint of her momma, too. Keep up the good work. Keep fighting the good fight. I truely believe that Sara looks down from Heaven and smiles on you and your sweet little girl. God bless you and keep you.
In Him,
I am running the Pink Ribbon 5K run here in Huntsville, Al...I am running with my labor and delivery coworkers..."Labor of Love"...I wish there is a way I could purchase a shirt from Sara's team. I will be running Saturday for her and thinking of you and Chloe as well. I am honored to have my first 5K ever to be a Breast Cancer run. Praying always...
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