Monday, September 14, 2009

She's growing...

Our Little Miracle

Chloe has been gaining weight for the past 3 days. The doctors continue to be impressed at how well she is doing. We are hoping to have her home very soon!

Here are a few of our favorite pics from the past few days.

Sara slept great last night and woke up feeling like a new person. She still has to take some drugs to alleviate the headaches, but the medicine really helps. We think the 3 large needle sticks to her spine (2 attempts at the epidural followed by the spinal anesthetic) could be the culprit for causing the headaches. Hopefully they will subside soon.

Chloe had an echocariogram today to check out her heart. Based on the fact that Sara received Adriamycin (chemo drug) during her pregnancy, they wanted to make sure Chloe's heart was not damaged from it (potential side effect).


There are not too many cases of pregnant women receiving chemotherapy, so the effects of chemo on babies in utero are unknown. Her results came back and her heart looks great.

I went to work and flew today, but found myself REALLY missing spending time with my girls! I am not working for the next 2 weeks and look forward to lots of family time!

Please pray for Chloe's continued growth and for Sara's headaches to cease. Thank you.

Whatever is good and perfect comes to us from God above, who created all heaven's lights. Unlike them, he never changes or casts shifting shadows. --James 1:17


Unknown said...

Can't tell you how happy we are to keep on hearing the GREAT news! God is so good and keeps on answering prayers...Keep up the good work Chloe (Mom and Dad too of course)!
Chris, Candace, Jana and Nolan Rudy

Mom to 5 bugs said...

WOW! We can tell from the pictures that she's growing! She's still such a little peanut, but she does look bigger (and always very stylish).

Everybody was so happy to hear the great news of Chloe's arrival at chapel on Sunday and that Sara and Brad were doing well too.

Keep up those great photos!

Tam said...

What a sweet video! Thanks for sharing. Enjoy your beautiful baby!

Our Life Together said...

Sweet baby and parents too. So glad the results came back okay!!! A friend of mine suffered from the bad bad headaches duet to epidural as well. Hope you feel better soon.

Molly said...

perfect, perfect, perfect! lots of love to you guys!